Hi Chimera Team,

I've defined a custom preset (implemented in both python and 'chimera language'), and I've placed in a folder which I have directed the custom preset dialogue to.

E.g, in /Users/joehealey/Documents/Warwick/PhD/Structural_Work/Scripts/Presets/

I have the following script (chimera implemented one):

# Goodsell.cmd

# #
#  Chimera syntax commands for use as a preset. Sets the   #
#  depiction in the style of David Goodsell. #
#  (The PDB Molecule-of-the-Month style). #
# #

# Create lower resolution surface models:
sym surfaces all resolution 2

# Hide dashed bonds that may appear though the surface
setattr g display false

# Apply silhouette edging and colouring
set silhouetteWidth 3.5
set silhouetteColor black
set silhouette

# Set depth cueing depth and colour

set dcColor black
set dcStart 0.5
set dcEnd 1.5

# Set background transparency
set bgTransparency

# Set lighting mode for flat rendering
lighting mode ambient

# Hide ribbons

# Set surface colour
color red ,s

# Make sure molecule is in focus

However, as per the documentation ( http://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/UsersGuide/preferences.html#Presets ) the preset doesn't appear in the presets menu.

I can execute the script as normal with exec, and it works and has the desired effect, but I'd like it to be in the preset menu if possible?

I suspect I'm missing something?


Joe Healey

M.Sc. B.Sc. (Hons) MSRB
PhD Student
MOAC CDT, Senate House
University of Warwick
Mob: +44 (0) 7536 042620  |  
Email: J.R.J.Healey@warwick.ac.uk

Jointly working in:
Waterfield Lab (WMS Microbiology and Infection Unit)
and the Gibson Lab (Warwick Chemistry)

Twitter: @JRJHealey  |  Website: MOAC Page | ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9569-6738