On Jun 4, 2012, at 11:54 PM, Bala subramanian wrote:
I have written a script to draw lines between atoms (using distance monitor). I dnt want the distance label to be displayed with the pseudo bond. Kindly write me the way to remove the label. My script is below.
for x in range(len(res)):
for y in range(len(res)):
if x <> y :
if 0.5 < value > 0.75:
#b.label=None I tried keeping this value as None and empty string but it doesnt help.
else: pass
else: continue
Hi Bala,
distanceMonitor pseudobonds are designed to do exactly what you find them to be doing: showing an updated distance as the model is moved. What you need to do is make a normal pseudobond group for your own use that doesn't have all the special processing that distanceMonitor provides. Here is some example code:
from chimera.misc import getPseudoBondGroup
grp = getPseudoBondGroup("matrix bonds", associateWith=[model])
...then later...
b = grp.newPseudoBond(res[x].atomsMap['CA'][0], res[y].atomsMap['CA'][0])
You will probably want to set some attributes of your group, like color and line type (dashed vs. solid). Here's some code for that:
import chimera
from chimera.colorTable import getColorByName
grp.color = getColorByName("lime green")
grp.lineType = chimera.Dash
P.S. BTW, this question is probably better for chimera-dev than chimera-users...