Dear Eric,

Thanks for your detail answer, so maybe the only thing it will be really useful now is to be able to color the residues with consurf colors in ChimeraX, with that I will be able to make figures for a paper, which is what I am after at this point. 

Of course we would be very happy to get a script for ChimeraX at some point that could be included in our output pages.



Fabian Glaser PhD

Head of the Structural  Bioinformatics section 
Bioinformatics Knowledge Unit - BKU
The Lorry I. Lokey Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences and Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Tel +972 (0) 4 8293701

On 10 Apr 2018, at 1:59, Eric Pettersen <> wrote:

Hi Fabian,
ChimeraX is not backwards compatible with Chimera, so a Chimera session file cannot be opened in ChimeraX — such as what you tried to do below.  We want to add a tool to Chimera that will write out a file that ChimeraX can read to restore the Chimera session as best it can, but we haven’t gotten there yet.
Furthermore, although ChimeraX can display sequence alignments, its capabilities in that regard are currently much less than what Chimera offers.  The features it lacks that ConSurf uses are:

1) Read Clustal ALN alignments
2) Show alignment headers
2b) Make header values available as residue attributes
3) Show Phylogeny trees
4) Color alignment/structures from coloring file

To show ConSurf results in even bare bones form would require #1 and #4, and obviously #2 and #3 add a lot of value.  So I’d say ChimeraX is not “ConSurf ready” yet.  What I will do is open an “enhancement request” ticket in our bug database with you on the recipient list.  As the above features get added I will update the ticket and at whatever point you feel it’s worthwhile you could work on getting ConSurf to deliver ChimeraX results.  I would help with any questions or issues that popped up.  Sorry I don’t have better news.


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Apr 8, 2018, at 7:56 AM, Fabian Glaser <> wrote:


I would like to use Chimera ConSurf scripts in ChimeraX, but I get the following error when I try to run the script on ChimeraX

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cPickle'

File "", line 1, in 

See log for complete Python traceback.

If you wish to report this error, send mail to and describe what you were doing and include a copy of the contents of the log. Don't include any data you wish to remain private since a publicly viewable bug report will be created.

Is this something that can be fixed or updated?

More generally I would like to update ConSurf with a version of the script for ChimeraX, can you help me with that?

Here is the beginning of the original chimera script

import cPickle, base64
from SimpleSession.versions.v65 import beginRestore,\
    registerAfterModelsCB, reportRestoreError, checkVersion
except ImportError:
from chimera import UserError
raise UserError('Cannot open session that was saved in a'
    ' newer version of Chimera; update your version')
checkVersion([1, 12, 41623])
import chimera
from chimera import replyobj
replyobj.status('Restoring session...', \
replyobj.status('Beginning session restore...', \
    blankAfter=0, secondary=True)

def restoreCoreModels():
from SimpleSession.versions.v65 import init, restoreViewer, \
     restoreMolecules, restoreColors, restoreSurfaces, \
     restoreVRML, restorePseudoBondGroups, restoreModelAssociations
molInfo = 

Thanks a lot,



Fabian Glaser PhD

Head of the Structural  Bioinformatics section 
Bioinformatics Knowledge Unit - BKU
The Lorry I. Lokey Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences and Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Tel +972 (0) 4 8293701
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