Dear Criss Hartzell, Sorry for the difficulties. For errors/debugging we suggest using the “report bug” button on the error dialog (or Chimera menu: Help… Report a Bug) and attaching any data needed to reproduce the bug, such as a Chimera session file, to the bugreport form. Often it is not possible to debug without example data, and other information like the Chimera version and platform, which the bug-reporting mechanism will automatically include. Please also include a brief description of how to get the error and your email address in the reporting form. Thanks, Elaine ---------- Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of California, San Francisco
On Jun 30, 2015, at 11:11 AM, Hartzell Jr., Criss <> wrote:
I am at a meeting making an animation for a talk using my MacAir. When I play it back from the animation panel, about half way through the animation, I receive this error and the animation crashes. Can you help debug? Thanks.
File "/Volumes/ChimeraInstaller 1/", line 1031, in _msmsSameColors return false NameError: global name 'false' is not defined
Criss Hartzell Professor Department of Cell Biology Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, GA 30322 404-242-5719 (cell)