Hi folks,

Per instructions (https://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/movie.html), I'm trying to make a movie with a series of PNGs with a transparent background to make into a GIF afterward. However, I get an error below. Any help would be appreciated!


Eugene Valkov
Stadtman Investigator
RNA Biology Laboratory
National Cancer Institute

This works:
movie record size 1000,1000 format PNG supersample 4 directory ~/chimera_images;  wobble y 120 aspect 2 model #1; wait 50; stop; movie stop

This doesn't work:
movie record size 1000,1000 format PNG supersample 4 transparentBackground true directory ~/chimera_images; wobble y 120 aspect 2 model #1; wait 50; stop; movie stop
and I get this error: "Expected a keyword".

Saving individual PNGs with a transparent background works fine. My version is 1.6.1 (2023-05-09).