Hi Eric, I have been using the alterations you made to history navigation in Chimera and I like them a lot - they make it much easier to locate old commands.
I have one suggestion for a slight tweak… at the moment, scrolling up through the history (with Shift+Up) seems to update the string to filter on as I scroll. There is a (very) minor issue with this approach. It means the process is not reversible and the results depend on the contents and ordering of the history.
For example, lets say I’m looking for a command I typed a while back, i know it started with “bond” but can’t remember the exact name of the command. If I type “bond” and then hit Shift+Up, I will only find the first matching command - if I had both bondrepr and bondzone in my command history, for example, I will only see the first one. I think it would be more intuitive if history filtering paid attention to only the initially typed string, if that is possible - so if I type “bond”, I will scroll up through bondrepr, bond zone, bonddisplay etc, and will obtain the same results heading back “down” through the command history.
I also just tweaked the up/down history navigation so that if the navigation would produce a result identical to whatever is currently in the command line, it “keeps going” until it yields a results that isn’t identical. This applies to both normal up/down and shifted up/down. So, if you have several consecutive identical entries in your command history, this effectively treats them as one entry and therefore may reduce the need for a preference to not record consecutive identical entries in the command history…
Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
Just tried out the new daily build and the command line history autofiltering works great, thanks Eric! This makes it much easier to cycle through previous selection commands, or to remember syntax for previous vop commands.