Hi Divya,
In the 1.2422 release that you are using there is no "nsteps" keyword.  In that version it was called "steps".  The documentation that corresponds to your version is bundled with you version (use your Chimera's Help menu or type "help command-name" in its command line).  Documentation on the web corresponds (depending on where you look) either to the current production release [1.5.3] or the current daily build [1.6].
I would highly recommend that you upgrade to a current version of Chimera since many improvements have been made to the minimization code (and everything else really) since the 1.2422 build (which is more than 4 years old after all).


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Dec 1, 2011, at 11:09 AM, divya neelagiri wrote:


I got this error when I was trying to minimize a structure. please tell me what went wrong.

Executing testchim.py...Opening test1_chimera.mol2...1 model opened

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/pgm/chimera/chimera_1.2422/share/__main__.py", line 59, in ?
    value = chimeraInit.init(sys.argv)
  File "CHIMERA/share/chimeraInit.py", line 298, in init
    chimera.openModels.open(a, prefixableType=1)
  File "CHIMERA/share/chimera/__init__.py", line 1253, in open
  File "CHIMERA/share/chimera/__init__.py", line 746, in _openPython
  File "testchim.py", line 10, in ?
    rc("minimize nsteps 70000 stepsize 0.001 interval 100 freeze none nogui true")
  File "CHIMERA/share/chimera/__init__.py", line 1912, in runCommand
  File "CHIMERA/share/Midas/midas_text.py", line 60, in makeCommand
  File "CHIMERA/share/MMMD/ChimeraExtension.py", line 29, in cmdMMMD
  File "CHIMERA/share/Midas/midas_text.py", line 281, in doExtensionFunc
  File "CHIMERA/share/Midas/midas_text.py", line 1885, in _getRealKw
MidasError: Keyword 'nsteps' doesn't match any known keywords
Error while processing testchim.py:
MidasError: Keyword 'nsteps' doesn't match any known keywords
(see reply log for Python traceback info)

This is my program. I tried to execute it from command line using
chimera --nogui testchim.py

import os
import chimera

from chimera import runCommand as rc
from chimera import replyobj

fn = "test1_chimera.mol2"
rc("open " + fn)
rc("minimize nsteps 70000 stepsize 0.001 interval 100 freeze none nogui true")
rc("write format mol2 0 min/" + fn)
rc("close all")
rc("stop now")

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