Dear Rahman,
Unfortunately as far as I know you cannot do much, other than to use the best system (newer computer with more memory) that is available to you. We realize that Chimera is slow on very large structures and datasets, and we are developing the new program ChimeraX for high-performance rendering of large structures. However, ChimeraX is still in early development and does not have a tool like MD Movie or support for reading the gromacs files.
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco
On Jan 12, 2017, at 10:57 PM, MOHD HOMAIDUR RAHMAN <> wrote:
> Dear Elaine
> Thank you very much this is working for me.
> I am always facing problem, when I am using chimera for bigger system like virus or large no of proteins in my systems.
> Is there any special taking care needed during installation?
> What we will do to improve speed, for example I am able to load gromacs TPR and XTC file but unable to rotate or zoom in/out of my system.
> Thanks & regards
> Rahman