On Jun 21, 2010, at 6:25 AM, S. Shunmugasundararaj wrote:
Dear Eric,
I am using Chimera v1.4. When aligning 2 or more structures, it gives the
RMSD as a bar graph. Is it possible to get the RMSD value for each residue?
Hi Raj,
I'm guessing the "RMSD as a bar graph" is the RMSD header at the top of the Multalign Viewer tool. You can save the header values to a file with the "Headers->Save..." menu entry at the top of the tool. This will save the RMSD value for each alignment position to a file. This may or may not be useful for you since the residues associated with each alignment position aren't indicated in the file.
Alternatively, each residue involved in the Multalign Viewer RMSD header calculation gets a "mavRMSD" attribute assigned to it. You can save these attributes to a file by using the "File->Save Attributes..." menu of the Render By Attribute tool (available in the Depiction and Structure Analysis tools menus).