On Apr 21, 2008, at 12:42 PM, Randy Heiland wrote:

I was wondering if there's a dialog in the gui code that has built-in  
sliders?  E.g., currently our extension module subclasses  
ModelessDialog; however, our input panel has so many values that it  
would be convenient if it was embedded in a widget such that sliders  
appeared when it was resized smaller.

Hi Randy,
Not directly.  One possibility is to use Pmw.ScrolledFrame (http://pmw.sourceforge.net/doc/ScrolledFrame.html) as the parent widget for the contents of your dialog.  Take the frame you get as an arg to the fillInUI() method and immediately create a Pmw.ScrolledFrame with that frame as the parent.  Then fill your dialog in from the frame you get from Pmw.ScrolledFrame.interior().  You can do this almost painlessly like so:

def fillInUI(self, parent):
sf = Pmw.ScrolledFrame(parent)
origParent, parent = parent, sf.interior()
# remainder of fillInUI() remains the same...

Another possibility is to use the Feature_Buttons_Panel widget from Chimera's CGLtk.Hybrid module.  This is what Volume Viewer uses to hide/show sections of its interface.  You'd have to look at the Volume Viewer code to see how it's called since I haven't used it myself.


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab