When one has multiple maps corresponding to the same protein in different conformations, it is convenient to save aligned copies of each map, for easy comparison later or for transfer to other programs. This requires interpolating the map to be aligned on the grid of the map to which one is aligning, e.g. using “vop resample x ongrid y” in Chimera. This step involves a certain degree of data loss, which is mostly insignificant but occasionally affects the quality of the resultant map in a way that is visually noticeable. Does anyone have any tips for minimizing this data loss, or is that impossible? E.g., if I oversample the map to which I am aligning by lets say 4 times, resample my map on that grid, and then save at gridstep 3 will that help, or is the data loss an unalterable consequence of the interpolation procedure? Best, Oliver.