hi all, maybe this is a little bit too far over the capabilities of chimera, but i hope somebody can help me or give input. i would like to connect two PDB structures into one chain of aminoacids. one PDB is from one globular domain, the other is from another globular domain including linker. i would like to try to put them together and see how (what possible conformations) they fit together. what orientations are possible and how it would look like (visualisation, making movies, convincing non-scientists, ...). i could edit the PDB files in a text editor, but i would not want to calculate the cordinates by hand first - are there no tools to glue together chains? thanx for any input how to do this with chimera or any other programme, best regards, Damir -- Damir Perisa Master Student Biozentrum, University of Basel Department Biochemistry / Focal Area Infection Biology Klingelbergstrasse 50-70 CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland phone: +41 61 267 1492