On Jul 7, 2009, at 3:36 PM, Michael Day wrote:


I see thermal ellipsoid rendering was just enabled. This is another point (in a long list of points) in favor of using  Chimera.

I'm glad you think so!  We think so. ;-)

Is there a plan to be able to display ellipsoid axis or octants as in ortep type renderings. This would be extremely useful in small molecule work. I've been using Chimera as an alternate when reporting structures in my lab and it has been very well received. The first question asked when I distributed a report today was about the axis and/or octants.

We do plan to add the display of axes and major ellipses as well as a probability-level-to-scaling-factor calculator as well as session support.  What we've released is functional/useful but not what we consider complete at this point.  I'm going to open a feature-request ticket in our Trac database for axes/ellipses with you and Thomas Mitterfellner (who also requested these) as recipients, so you will get mail when it gets implemented.  My guess is it will probably take a month or so for me to have the time to implement it.


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab