Hi Miriam,Sorry! To show the map just near the atoms use Volume Viewer menu Features / Zone, select your atoms (e.g. command "select #0") and press the Zone button. This just hides the density beyond some distance (e.g. 3 Angstroms) from the selected atoms.TomOn Feb 20, 2020, at 1:26 PM, Miriam Gochin <mgochin@lbl.gov> wrote:Thanks for date shaming me!! It works - you guys are great. Is there any way to select certain parts of the map, if for example you just want to see the electron density of one molecule instead of all the symmetry copies?MiriamPS. 7 years isn't even close.On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 11:56 AM Tom Goddard <goddard@sonic.net> wrote:Hi Miriam,We appreciate your long use of Chimera! That bug was fixed 7 years ago. Time to install a new Chimera.TomOn Feb 20, 2020, at 11:46 AM, Miriam Gochin <mgochin@lbl.gov> wrote:The 2F0-Fc map was created with Phenix. I tried the "vop cover #1 atom #0" command but got the following error:_______________________________________________
NameError: global name 'step' is not defined
File "/Applications/Chimera.app/Contents/Resources/share/VolumeFilter/cover.py", line 9, in map_covering_box
g = volume.grid_data(subregion = 'all', step = step, mask_zone = False)
Hoping to figure out how to make it work.
Many thanks,
Miriam Gochin
Touro University California / LBL
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