On Jun 22, 2009, at 4:26 PM, Kenward Vaughan wrote:

On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 18:53 -0400, Ibrahim Moustafa wrote:
Dear Chimera team,

  Recently, I have some trouble saving images with POV-RAY option
“true”. The process of rendering is too slow (both on the mac and
windows version).
To give the feeling of how slow: rendering an image with 1700 lines
takes 7 hrs (with quality 9 in pov-ray options) and 2 hrs (quality 5).
I used to get the images rendered much faster than that (with older
versions; however, I’m not exactly sure of when I started to see such
a slow rendering behavior).

I have seen the same behavior.  I want to create some images for posters
in my lab, but the time has gone up roughly 7 to 10 fold for images at
the same settings as before.

As per my recent mail to Ibrahim, try increasing the "Antialias threshold" to 1.0 or even higher.

An additional problem is that 2D label letters are not properly
rendered, with the result looking like the letters have lost their tops,
being sliced off at a slanting angle.  There is scattered "debris" as
well in the images.

I have not seen this behavior.  2D labels look fine in the images I rendered.  Does this happen on just one machine?  Please use the "Report a Bug" menu item to send in a bug report so that we can find out the details of the system you're using.


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab