On Tue, 14 Oct 2008, Dr. Jean-Didier Mar�chal wrote:
Hi guys,
I saw on the mailing list some information on exporting/importing 3D files. However, I can't really figure out what would be the best way to export chimera scene so that blender can import them.
Is the x3d format the best? Which plug-in do you use? Is there another way better?
Cheers, JD
For chimera, the X3D format is the best export format. So the best solution would be to use a X3D importer for blender. There doesn't appear to be one that comes with blender, so you'll have to google for one (e.g., <http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=107126> looks promising). Looking at the blender documentation, <http://www.blender.org/download/python-scripts/import-export/>, I see that the only common format, that chimera exports and blender imports, is the Wavefront OBJ format. But chimera only exports surfaces in OBJ format, so no spheres, cylinders, lines, nor ribbons. That may or may not be sufficient for you. If you find a solution, please let us know, Greg Couch UCSF Computer Graphics Lab