Running match showmatrix true, gives two matrices. What's the difference between the two? I already saved the file after fitting it so it should have only one set of coordinates, its original coordinates?!
Motion of #76 in #2 coordinate system
Matrix rotation and translation
0.99998889 -0.00169318 0.00440013 -1.57825672
0.00165962 0.99996960 0.00761849 -4.96792547
-0.00441290 -0.00761111 0.99996130 169.74075587
Axis -0.85023004 0.49200930 0.18717833
Axis point 0.00000000 21533.64775327 2718.66675667
Rotation angle (degrees) 0.51315730
Shift along axis 30.66940614
Motion of #76 original coordinates in #2 coordinate system
Matrix rotation and translation
0.78916125 0.61416829 0.00467203 -143.02960322
-0.61417583 0.78916918 0.00023085 242.10381668
-0.00354524 -0.00305162 0.99998906 98.04867640
Axis -0.00267220 0.00668954 -0.99997405
Axis point 281.92931592 330.08522286 0.00000000
Rotation angle (degrees) 37.89294229
Shift along axis -96.04436567