26 Sep
26 Sep
1:19 a.m.
Dear all, I would like to write a script to compute structural alignment and show the actual, not the calculated by ksdspp, secondary structure of some pdb files. My problems are: a) *mm #0 #1 show true * shows the predicted secondary structure, not the actual. How this can be modified to show the actual secondary structure?* * b) how the typical script provided in https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/current/docs/ProgrammersGuide/basicPrimer.h... for fn in file_names: replyobj.status("Processing " + fn) # show what file we're working on rc("open " + fn) rc("mm #0 #1 ... ?") # has to be modified to have the whole alignment in the same window? Thanks for your help, Marco Sette