Hi Dan,
So by a “window-based one”, do you mean a native-like dialog?  If that’s what you meant, then no — it isn’t going to happen in Chimera because it would be a bunch of work to make that replacement and we’re mostly working on ChimeraX now.  The somewhat good news is that ChimeraX does use a native-like file dialog so eventually you will get what you want, whenever ChimeraX is far enough along that it does the other things that you need.


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On May 12, 2017, at 5:04 PM, Dan Kool <kool@iastate.edu> wrote:


I have been using your software for a while. I love the features and general user interface. There is one thing that drives me nuts, though. The side-by-side list interface when I go to open files.A window-based one would be much easier. Is there an option for that that I am not seeing? If not, I suggest adding the option. Thank you for your software!
