Hi, I have opened a pdb structure of a ribosome, hidden parts of it and then saved a new pdb of the displayed atoms through “File->Save pdb” ticking “save displayed atoms only”. When I try to open this saved pdb file, Chimera states “Opened ….pdb”, however, it does not display. The model panel is empty etc. Checking the pdb file in textedit, it does contain the secondary structure information and all the amino acids but it seems to lack coordinate information, see pictures below of parts of it. I’ve also tried to save the pdb through “Actions-> write pdb”. Do you know how I can solve this issue? Is it a saving issue or a displaying issue? Thanks, Magdalena [cid:image001.png@01D8C371.3C765B60][cid:image002.png@01D8C371.3C765B60] När du skickar e-post till Karolinska Institutet (KI) innebär detta att KI kommer att behandla dina personuppgifter. Här finns information om hur KI behandlar personuppgifter<https://ki.se/medarbetare/integritetsskyddspolicy>. Sending email to Karolinska Institutet (KI) will result in KI processing your personal data. You can read more about KI’s processing of personal data here<https://ki.se/en/staff/data-protection-policy>.