
Also regarding contouring ED maps: we have ccp4 maps that are fine in coot, but as soon as you display them in chimera they are sharply chopped in one direction, as if there is any problem with a border. Any suggestion, the effect it's particularly bad for a surface representation, but it's also obvious when you display it as a mesh.

Thank you!

Hector Viadiu

On Jan 27, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Veer Bhatt wrote:

This in context of using Chimera to view *ccp4 format electron density maps. How does Chimera 'Threshold Level' ('Level' in Volume viewer) equate or relate to sigma level reported by some other programs. For example a 'Level' of 0.4 seems like a map contoured at 1.5 sigma or so. 
I was wondering if someone could point out how these two are related, more precisely.


Veer Sandeep Bhatt
