Sorry! I realized that I created the color key through the "Surface color" tool.

So, by default there is no color key. I think now this is not doable unless I set the color key in the script.

On 30/12/16 09:21, Pablo Conesa wrote:
Dear all

We have this simple script to open a volume (#0) coloured using values from a second volume (#1):

open betaGal.mrc
open extra/MG_Chimera_resolution.vol
volume #1 voxelSize 3.54
vol #1 hide
scolor #0 volume #1 cmap rainbow reverseColors True

For scolor command we are using a volume.

It would be nice to achieve something like this at start up (note the color key is based on the volume):

I've did it dragging the mouse over the canvas while "Color key" utility is open.

And, is there a posibility to round up the values. Some kind of:
Give the resulting color key
for each round values
display the color key

I guess that if there is a way to get the color key, then rest can be done through commands.

Cheers, Pablo.

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