Hi Elaine,
I have a PDB file which has two serine residues: SER10.A and SER20.A. The distance between their sidechain O-atoms (OG atoms) is 8.925Å.
I want to bring the sidechain O-atom of SER10.A closer to the sidechain O-atom of SER20.A along an imaginary line which passes through the coordinates of these two atoms such that the distance between them gets reduced to 4Å. If I am thinking right, this would also require shifting the rest of the atoms of SER10.A towards SER 20.A in a similar manner. Is it possible to achieve this in chimera? I am attaching a screenshot just for reference.
Thanks anyways and regards
Prathvi Singh,
Research Fellow,
Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur-208016