On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, David Belnap wrote:
Apple has released an update for X11 with the following comment:
This update addresses several issues in the X11 for Mac OS X package, enabling it to better handle:
- GLX stereo visuals - offscreen rendering to GLX Pbuffers and Pixmaps
This is good news. Still no multisampling though.
I downloaded it and tried to run Chimera (beta version 1 build 2199 2006/01/24) in stereo. It didn't work. Does the X11 update have the stereo-in-a-window capability now that Chimera needs? Is there a newer version of Chimera that will run in stereo on the Mac?
To see if your graphics card supports stereo, run the /usr/X11R6/bin/glxinfo program inside of xterm and there should be an occasional y in the st/ro column. That will only be true for Macs with the NVidia Quadro graphics cards. So if you didn't buy a PowerMac or Mac Pro with the high-end NVidia graphics card, you're out of luck. FYI, the latest version of chimera can switch into stereo on the fly by changing the camera mode in the Camera tool. Greg Couch UCSF Computer Graphics Lab