Is there any way to change the default color for pseudo bonds (e.g. distance monitors)?
I generally work on a white background, and the default of yellow is very difficult to see. Pretty much everything else in the Chimera GUI seems to be customizable, which I love, but I can’t see how to alter the default in this particular instance.
Yes, as Elaine said there probably should be an option for this. I will put a feature-request ticket in the Chimera Trac database for this. In the interim, in addition to Elaine's suggestions you could modify your Chimera to do this by editing <your Chimera>/share/StructMeasure/, line 61, and change:
distanceMonitor = addMonitoredGroup('distance monitor')
distanceMonitor = addMonitoredGroup('distance monitor', color="purple")
to make distance monitors default to purple, Obviously you could use any other color name you wanted instead of purple.
Note that on a Mac "<your Chimera>" is