Finishing the previous email..

the arguments need to have leading and trailing whitespace removed or it is unlikely to work when calling any shell command.  Only if the shell command argument is a general text string that permits leading whitespace would work.


On Feb 17, 2015, at 6:44 AM, Christos Deligkaris <> wrote:

Thank you Tom. If I take out the spaces, those error messages disappear. It seems that that was a chimera issue. 

However, the chimera .com script is still not being executed with the command. I am not sure now whether this is a chimera issue or a python issue....

Christos Deligkaris, PhD
Assistant Professor of Physics, Drury University
900 N Benton Ave, Springfield MO, 65802
Office Phone: (417) 873-7234 @DeligkarisGroup +ChristosDeligkaris

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:02 PM, Tom Goddard <> wrote:
Hi Christos,

  I think your error is because the “—nogui” option in your has spaces before and after inside the quote marks.  Take those spaces out and I bet it will work.  The error seems to be trying to create the Chimera splash screen which would not happen in nogui mode.


On Feb 16, 2015, at 8:30 PM, Christos Deligkaris wrote:

Dear all,

I have a python script that creates a .com command script for chimera and then attempts to run the chimera script. Here is the python script:


#!/usr/bin/env python
import re,os,sys,math, decimal, subprocess
from copy import deepcopy
from openeye.oechem import *
from decimal import *

script_file=open("chimera_script_for_" + "ligand" +".com", 'w')
script_file.write("open "+ "127D" +"\n")
script_file.write("open " + "127D" +"\n")
script_file.write("open "+ "ligand.pdb" +"\n")
script_file.write("match #0:"+ "6" + " " + "#1:"+ "18" +"\n")
script_file.write("write format pdb 2 "+ "flipped_" + "ligand" + "\n")
script_file.close["chimera", " --nogui ", ""])       
print chimera
#delete the script, leaving just the flipped ligand


When I run the script, it successfully generates the .com chimera script. However, I get the following error message:


[christos@biophysics Desktop]$ ./ 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/share/apps/PROGRAMS/CHIMERA/CHIMERA-1.9/share/", line 69, in <module>
    value = chimeraInit.init(sys.argv)
  File "/share/apps/PROGRAMS/CHIMERA/CHIMERA-1.9/share/", line 638, in init
  File "/share/apps/PROGRAMS/CHIMERA/CHIMERA-1.9/share/chimera/", line 25, in create
  File "/share/apps/PROGRAMS/CHIMERA/CHIMERA-1.9/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 1747, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable


The python script successfully creates the .com script:


[christos@biophysics Desktop]$ more
open 127D
open 127D
open ligand.pdb
match #0:6 #1:18
write format pdb 2 flipped_ligand


and if I manually execute this chimera script, everything works out well:


[christos@biophysics Desktop]$ chimera --nogui
Fetching 127D from web site
0 Kbytes received
Fetch 127D: finished
Done fetching 127D; verifying...
Opening 127D...
#0, chain A: dna (5'-D(*cp*gp*cp*gp*ap*ap*tp*tp*cp*gp*cp*G)- 3')

#0, chain B: dna (5'-D(*cp*gp*cp*gp*ap*ap*tp*tp*cp*gp*cp*G)- 3')

Opening VRML model in 127D - Nucleotides...
127D opened
Opened VRML model in 127D - Nucleotides
Opened 127D containing 1 model, 639 atoms, and 146 residues
Fetching 127D from web site
88 Kbytes received
80 Kbytes received
Fetch 127D: finished
Done fetching 127D; verifying...
Opening 127D...
#1, chain A: dna (5'-D(*cp*gp*cp*gp*ap*ap*tp*tp*cp*gp*cp*G)- 3')

#1, chain B: dna (5'-D(*cp*gp*cp*gp*ap*ap*tp*tp*cp*gp*cp*G)- 3')

Opening VRML model in 127D - Nucleotides...
127D opened
Opened VRML model in 127D - Nucleotides
Opened 127D containing 1 model, 639 atoms, and 146 residues
Opening ligand.pdb...
ligand.pdb opened
Opened ligand.pdb containing 1 model, 32 atoms, and 1 residues
Executing match ['#0:6', '#1:18'], no iteration

RMSD between 21 atom pairs is 0.630 angstroms
Wrote flipped_ligand into /home/christos/Desktop


Why do I get the error message when I attempt to run chimera through Is this a python issue or a chimera issue? I appreciate any thoughts on solving this problem....thank you,

Christos Deligkaris, PhD
Assistant Professor of Physics, Drury University
900 N Benton Ave, Springfield MO, 65802
Office Phone: (417) 873-7234 @DeligkarisGroup +ChristosDeligkaris

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