Hi Eric

Basically, the problem appears when one is using old Win machines. On the
new one (win and linux) it all works fine.

Thanks for your help anyway!

On 08.08.2011 21:11, Eric Pettersen wrote:
Hi Alex,
I tried to generate the problem you describe on a Windows box here in the lab and it worked fine.  So I have two generic pieces of advice that may solve the problem:

1) Make sure you have the most current driver for your graphics card installed.
2) If you have multisampling turned on (Favorites->Side View, Effects tab) try turning it off.

If neither of these help, please use Help->Report a Bug to submit a bug report.  That method will give us a lot more info about your system hardware and software configuration.  Also if you can please attach a session file to generate the image with and details about what your settings were in the image-save dialog.  Thanks!


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

Alexander V. Shkumatov, Ph.D.
Biological Small Angle Scattering Group
EMBL Hamburg Outstation c/o DESY                 tel: +49 40 89902 178 
Building 25A Notkestraße 85                      fax: +49 40 89902 149  
22603 Hamburg, Germany                 email: ashkumat@embl-hamburg.de 