Hi Henrique,I can only reproduce this problem if I make the window size rather small, like 600 pixels wide. If I make the window bigger, the extra lines go away. Also, I can only see it on the screen; even keeping the small Chimera window, when I save an image of the same size but with supersampling (which is the default) there are no extra lines on the saved image. So I can only say to try one or more of the following:
(1) don’t screenshot, use save image with supersampling (which initially saves a bigger image and then shrinks it to the final size); try supersampling at least 2x2, could also try 3x3… this is a setting in “Image Options” in the dialog from menu: File… Save Image
(2) try bigger Chimera window
(3) try saving bigger image (larger numbers for “Image width” and “Image height”)
I hope this helps,
Here I attached screenshot showing lines and then image about the same size but saved with with 2x2 supersampling.

On Jul 2, 2019, at 8:49 AM, Elaine Meng <meng@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
Dear Henrique,
I don’t know if there is a trick to fix this or not. Could you send us the structure (the atoms you are showing) with explanation of what steps you used to make this plane, or a session file, so we have an example to try with?
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
UCSF Chimera(X) team
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco
On Jul 2, 2019, at 7:02 AM, Henrique C. S. Junior <henriquecsj@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear list, I'd like to create a disk that didn't show lines in the surface depending on the orientation angle (see the image attached). Right now I can clearly see that the circle is formed by several triangles, so I'd like to smooth things up.
I can actually get rid of the triangles by disabling the silhouette of the plane, but I'd like to keep it to show where the plane ends.
Thanks in advance
Henrique C. S. Junior
<Annotation 2019-07-02 104748.jpg>
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