
I see thermal ellipsoid rendering was just enabled. This is another point (in a long list of points) in favor of using  Chimera.

Is there a plan to be able to display ellipsoid axis or octants as in ortep type renderings. This would be extremely useful in small molecule work. I've been using Chimera as an alternate when reporting structures in my lab and it has been very well received. The first question asked when I distributed a report today was about the axis and/or octants.

Great work. Keep it up!


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Dr. Michael W. Day
Director - X-ray Crystallography Lab & Molecular Observatory
California Institute of Technology
Mail Code 139-74
Pasadena, CA 91125

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Beckman Institute, Room 116
Phone: (626) 395-2734
Fax: (626) 449-4159
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