To supplement Elaine's response:  You can get a list of saved positions with "savepos list".  Adding saved positions to the Rapid Access interface is an interesting idea.  I'll think about it.  Also, being able to get a list of the user-defined color names seems like a good idea.  Perhaps "colordef" with no args could report that.  I'll definitely add that to my to-do list.


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Dec 4, 2012, at 3:46 AM, Jean-Paul Armache wrote:

Dear Chimera developers,

I wanted to thank you for all the work that is being done on Chimera.
It's a great software and now with the new display of the pdbs it's
I was curious whether there is a way to display the saved views and
user-defined colors in a session ? I inherited a number session files
from a colleague and it poses a nuisance to search through the .py file
for the names of views,selections and colors + definitions. Would it be
possible to display it on the startup (thunderbolt icon) screen ?
Best regards,
