1. Regarding blender ( Dr. Jean-Didier Mar?chal ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 18:16:29 +0200 From: " Dr. Jean-Didier Mar?chal " <jeandidier.marechal@uab.cat> Subject: [Chimera-users] Regarding blender To: chimera-users@cgl.ucsf.edu Message-ID: <004a01c92e18$37236890$a56a39b0$%marechal@uab.cat> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Hi guys,
I saw on the mailing list some information on exporting/importing 3D files. However, I can't really figure out what would be the best way to export chimera scene so that blender can import them.
Is the x3d format the best? Which plug-in do you use? Is there another way better?
Cheers, JD
Quite a while ago I wrote a VRML importer for Blender that was specifically designed for Chimera-generated surfaces. It worked acceptably, but the X3D importer mentioned previously (http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=107126) looks like a much better overall solution. If that importer isn't working for some particular aspect of a Chimera scene, I could probably help adapt it to get what you're looking for. The only other good solution I know of is to import your structures directly into Blender, and use Blender to generate the scene from the base primitives. That approach gets very complicated for representations such as helices, and I wouldn't recommend it unless you have very specific needs. Jonathan