I am processing a phage dataset which presents D5 pseudossymetry. The C5 axys is aligned to the z axys. I would like to rotate the map 90 degree in the z axys, so that Z axys now separate the molecule in a C2 pseudosymmetry, in order to play with some symmetry relaxation features to refine differences in the two map vortexes.
Is there a way in chimera to rotate the map in relation to the xyz axys? The way I see, all rotate commands I know rotate the axys themselves alongside the map.
Thank you for your time,
Kind wishes,
PostDoctoral Researcher
Microbiology and Structural Biology
Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo - IQ-USP
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Butantã, São Paulo - SP