Hi Jeff, When you try to color the IMOD contours (volume path tracer model) in Chimera by pressing the color button in the Model Panel dialog it does not change the contour colors as you expect. This is because that color button controls the default color -- the contours are just implemented as a fake "molecule" model. The individual vertices of the contours are atoms of the molecule model which have their own colors that over-ride the default molecule color. This business of atom colors over-riding the default molecule color is confusing. I'd suggest selecting the contours (ctrl click one with mouse and press up arrow key) and then use main menu Actions / Color to color all the "atoms" as desired. To change the colors of the IMOD mesh surface you select them and then use the "co" accelerator as Elaine described in a previous email. Unfortunately the menu entry Actions / Color doesn't work for these mesh surface objects. This is appallingly bad user interface -- I've added fixing it to my to-do list (#95 http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/plans.html). Tom