As a stopgap measure until Tom gets to this, you could make Ensemble Tile auto-start or appear on your toolbar (use the "Tools" category of Preferences to do that), which would at least cut out a couple of steps in the process.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab


On Jul 7, 2008, at 10:55 AM, Thomas Goddard wrote:

Hi Eduardo,

   I think I could add a "Tile opened models" option, probably in the 
Preferences panel since that is where our other options are that effect 
newly opened models.  If you opened 6 models then later opened 8 models 
I think this option should tile the 6, then later tile the 8 separately. 
  It would not tile the 14 as one group, just the ones opened at one 
time.  The border scale can be made to save the most recent value.

   We are not adding new Chimera features right now because we are 
preparing a production release due out in about a week.  When that is 
out I can make these additions.

   Thanks for the suggestion.

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