Dear Chimera list,
I'm Interested in finding and showing the distance of N-terminal and C-terminal between two proteins.
As I can't download GUI so I use "chimera --nogui" to compute them.
That's my command:
open protein.pdb
measure center sel mark True radius 0.3 color cyan modelId 1;


measure center sel mark True radius 0.3 color cyan modelId 2;


measure center sel mark True radius 0.3 color cyan modelId 3;


measure center sel mark True radius 0.3 color cyan modelId 4;

distance #1 #3;

define axis name Ln_N_Lz_C #1 #3;

distance #1 #4;

define axis name Ln_N_LH_C #1 #4;

distance #2 #3;

define axis name S2_N_Lz_C #2 #3;
distance #2 #4;

define axis name S2_N_LH_C #2 #4;


But I found that when I input "distance" and "define axis" the terminal shows that "Must specifiy at least two atoms/centroids to define an axis".

I am puzzle because I can see the #1,#2,#3£¬#4 in the list.

Can you give me some guidance?
Thanks in advance