Using the links in the Log table adds the copies as graphical clones. To get the all-atom copies (which can be colored independently etc.), you’d need to use a similar “sym” command (as using the links echoes in the Log) but with the
option “copies true”.
(Pardon my terseness… arm injury, difficult to type.)
> On Mar 27, 2018, at 1:14 PM, Eric Pettersen <> wrote:
> Also, just FYI, if you open the regular 5ire mmCIF entry (i.e. asymmetric unit) in ChimeraX, it will show a table of possible assemblies (as listed in the mmCIF file). The first entry in the table is the complete icosahedral virus assembly. If you click
on that link in the table it will show the complete assembly.
> —Eric
> Eric Pettersen
> UCSF Computer Graphics Lab