If you search for the sequences the PDB Data Bank (RCSB) provides both the pdb file and the sequence in fasta format.
Best regards,
Hi,I'm very new to Chimera and have been working through the tutorials, including the Comparative Modeling Tutorial. However I'm stumped. I'm interested in modeling chimeric proteins that involve the following pdbs: PDB 7KOO, 7KOX and 7KOQ and I can't get the sequence in my chimera to align with the template structure in the pdbs. The problem is that the template pdbs only came out in April and are not yet included in UniProt. They are deposited in RSCB and EMDB, but these don't appear to be alignment options in Chimera. Do I need to appeal to UniProt, or is there an alternative way to make the association between the sequence and the structure? Any additional tutorials on using MAV would be helpful as there seem to be a lot of editing features that are not explored in your tutorial.Thanks for your help,
Ralph Loring
Associate Professor of Pharmacology
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115 USA
617-373-3216 office
617-373-8886 fax
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-- Dr.Marco Sette, Ph.D. Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology University of Rome, "Tor Vergata" via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133, Rome, Italy e-mail: sette@uniroma2.it e-mail: m77it@yahoo.it Tel.: +39-0672594424 Fax: +39-0672594328 http://stc.uniroma2.it/?page_id=622&cn-entry-slug=marco-sette Ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 e dei principi contenuti nelle linee guida del Garante per posta elettronica e interne (artt. 2 e 15 Cost.; Corte cost. 17 luglio 1998, n. 281 e 11 marzo 1993, n. 81; art. 49 Codice dell’amministrazione digitale) si precisa che le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio -come pure i dati esteriori delle comunicazioni e i file allegati- sono riservate e ad uso esclusivo del destinatario. Divulgazione, copia, stampa o qualunque altro uso da parte di altri non è autorizzato. Qualora il messaggio in parola Le fosse pervenuto per errore, La preghiamo di eliminarlo senza copiarlo e di non inoltrarlo a terzi, dandocene gentilmente comunicazione al seguente indirizzo e-mail privacy@uniroma2.it. On the basis of “(UE) Rules 2016/679 and the codes in general guidelines of Garante for electronic and internal mail (artt. 2 e 15 Cost.; Corte cost. 17 luglio 1998, n. 281 e 11 marzo 1993, n. 81; art. 49 Codice dell’amministrazione digitale) information here contained and any attachments is confidential and intended for the recipient(s) only. Dissemination, copying, printing or use by anybody else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and any attachments and advise the sender by return e-mail to privacy@uniroma2.it.