Hi David,
We have had some people request this feature.  I'll try to get to it, but there are a lot of things I'm working on.  We have two change-request entries in our gnats database for this:  preserving PDB ANISOU info (a necessary first step; gnats #2647) and then actually displaying ellipsoids (#2647).  I'll add you to the recipient lists for these reports so that you will be notified when things get implemented.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab


On Sep 15, 2008, at 1:05 AM, David Chenoweth wrote:

Dear Chimera team,

Does Chimera have the ability to display anisotropic temperature  
factor ellipsoids and if not can this feature be added?

Thanks in advance,
Dave Chenoweth

David M. Chenoweth
California Institute of Technology
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Mail Code: 164-30
1200 California Boulevard, 91125 Pasadena
California, USA

Phone: 626-395-6074
Email: dchen@caltech.edu

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