Hi, Yeah, I just remembered a second ago and googled to make sure this was the problem. http://www.secnetix.de/~olli/Python/block_indentation.hawk ..i need to learn python.. It works perfectly now. There was only one slight cosmetic error when I loaded the fasta file in the multi-align viewer. It showed the Consensus and Conservation rows but in the Analysis settings under preferences both were set to "None". Setting it to something besides "None" and setting it back to "None" fixed it. Thanks for your help, ..Sabuj Eric Pettersen wrote:
Hi Sabuj, It is the indentation. In Python, indentation is meaningful and statements at the same "level" have to have the same indentation. I've appended the critical part below. Note the the "self.rulerTexts..." and "x += ..." statements are indented one space further than the preceding if/else and "text = ..." statements. To Python, the extra space starts a new indented block of statements, which is only legal after 'if' statements and so forth. Take a space away from the front of the last two statements and I think things will work.
for chunkStart in range(self.seqOffset, end, 10): seq1index = self.seqs[0].gapped2ungapped (chunkStart) if seq1index is None: dispText = "?" else: dispText = str(seq1index+1) text = self.mainCanvas.create_text(x, y, anchor='s', font=self.font, text="%s" % (dispText)) self.rulerTexts.append(text) x += self.chunkGap + 10 * (self.fontPixels[0] + self.letterGaps[0])