You should start Chimera and immediately use Help→Report A Bug to send a bug report to us, with a short description of the problem like you provided here.  That will automatically provide us with many details about the machine you are using and the version of Chimera you are running.  We can carry on from there, since I imagine this problem is only affecting you and therefore other people on this mailing list wouldn't want to get mail about all the details of this problem.


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Mar 28, 2021, at 10:28 PM, 안예림 <cp7617@naver.com> wrote:

I have tried to make a movie of MD simulation by Chimera. I could be
done one time, then for other MD’s it exits abnormally with the code
-1073741819. Even I have decreased the size of .xtc file, it exits
abnormally yet. Please check my capture picture. 

I have reinstalled chimera, but the problem did not resolve.
What should I have to do ? I need your assistant. 

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