Dear all, sorry, if this is a bit off-topic, but I did not find any e-mail address more suitable on the Chimera website. As I learned from the CCL there is a new Chimera version out. I think this would be a nice opportunity to write a short software review note (approx. 1 column) in the "Nachrichten aus der Chemie", the members journal of the German Chemical Society GDCh, in order to inform a broad public of Chimera. For this I'd like to use the graphic "DNA and Netropsin" from the Chimera Image Gallery, in case there is space enough to have a figure printed as well. The image, however, is marked copyrighted, and thus I'd like to know, whether I may use it for my purpose and what statement/copyright notice should be included in the figure caption. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Anselm