Good morning, Dear Professor,
My name is Zhenjiao Du, from Kansas State University.
I am employing molecular docking for peptide screening and need to build peptide ligands for docking screening. I used to generate ligand by VMD and then energy minimized
by molecular dynamics simulation, but the final conformation is not that matchable to the crystallography results. Chimera generated ligands perform a better job.
I find Chimera provides amazing ligand energy minimization protocols, but there is no any resource for the scripts based ligand generation and minimization since I might
need to generate thousands of peptide ligands for virtual screening. I find Chimera also supports python programming.
Could you please provide me some information for the ligand generation by Chimera based on python scripts? I really appreciate it.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Zhenjiao Du
Vice president of CAFS Student Committee
Ph.D. student, Cereal Chemistry
Grain Science & Industry,
Kansas State University
150A Waters Hall,
Manhattan, KS 66502
Pronouns: He/His