Hi all, I have a MD trajectory from GROMACS and I want to visualize it in Chimera using MD Movie tool. My protein move inside the water box. How I cant fix the protein to see the its dynamics in each frame? I have used VMD for this task, using the RMSD trajectory calculator plugin. Here the trajectory is loaded and then press the Align button. The protein coordinates in each frame is superposed on those from the first frame. Whith this the protein stay in a fixed position. It is this possible in Chimera? On the other hand, It is possible load the trajectory just by every N frames? I have a trajectory with 2 000 000 of frames, and I want to load the trajectory every 100 frames. Thanks in advance Yasser -- Yasser Almeida Hernández, MSc. Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM) System Biology Department 216 St. & 15th Ave, Siboney, Playa P.O.Box 16040, Havana 11600 CUBA Phone: (+53-7) 214-3127 almeida@cim.sld.cu --------------------------------------------------- [http://5.cim.co.cu/cim.gif]