Hi Berni, This is only a partial answer: In the POV-Ray Options section of Preferences, you can specify the location of the povray executable. You could try setting that to your newer version. It might not work (for example, if that newer version expects different input), but worth a try... let us know what happens. Best, Elaine ----- Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. meng@cgl.ucsf.edu UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of California, San Francisco http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/home/meng/index.html On Jun 25, 2009, at 2:26 PM, Bernhard Pätzold wrote:
I love Chimera and the only little bummer to me are the long rendering times for raytraced movies. I managed to get the PovRay version 3.7 which uses multiple cores running on our server. However now I am stuck and here comes my question.
Is there away how I can get Chimera to use the newer Version of PovRay? Or can I somehow change my script so that I get only the .pov and .ini files for all the frames while the actual raytracing is skipped and I can do it subsequently with the newer Version?
Currently the whole things has to happen on a windows system, but I hope that I'll get my ubuntu version soon up and running again, so hints and advices for both options are welcome.
Thanks a lot in advance