On Aug 29, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Gesa Volkers wrote:

Hi all,

I encountered a problem when I tried to open a color scheme (tried it with custom.par from the Chimera website) in the Multalign viewer. I get the following error:

 "File "C:\Program Files\Chimera 1.6.2\share\MultAlignViewer\PrefDialog.py", line 69, in addColorScheme

See reply log for Python traceback."

I reported a bug. Though has anyone found a way to solve this problem and is able to open a .par file again?

Hi Gesa,
Seems like some bit rot crept in.  Nonetheless, despite the error the color scheme is applied and if you start Multalign Viewer subsequently and go to its Preferences->Appearance preference dialog, you will see the scheme listed in the "Color scheme" menu and you will be able to choose it without error.   I will work on fixing the bit rot.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
