Dear all, I have numerous PDB files resulting from a docking run. From crosslinking experiments, we know here that one way to select among all the solutions is to identify the PDB files for which the distance between some residues of interest is lower than a specific value: distance between Res 246 in chain B and Res 131 chain C < 17 A distance between Res 162 in chain B and Res 135 chain C < 24 A The two constraints must be respected. So, is it possible to write a script which: - opens one by one the pdb files, -calculates the two distances for the current pdb file, - send in the reply log the name-number of this PDB file if it respects the two constraints? Then, I would just have a look to the reply log in order to know the pdb files to study in depth. Many thanks for your help Damien