Please try out the latest daily build of Chimera. The EnsembleMatch dialog should have a "Save..." button at the bottom, next to "Hide", that let's you save the RMSD matrix to a file. (Unless you're on Linux, in which case you may have to wait until tomorrow, as our Linux build did not succeed last night.) Conrad On 1/29/11 2:09 AM, Bala subramanian wrote:
Dear Conrad, Exactly, Yes i need a table like the following. Is there any way ?
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Conrad Huang <conrad@cgl.ucsf.edu <mailto:conrad@cgl.ucsf.edu>> wrote:
There is currently no way to extract that information since it is only present in the graphical user interface. In what format would you like to save the data? Is a table like the following acceptable?
#0.1 #0.2 #0.3 ... #0.1 0.00 1.23 1.75 ... #0.2 1.23 0.00 2.73 ... ...
In particular, are the column/row titles okay?
On 1/25/2011 8:10 AM, Bala subramanian wrote:
Friends, I used Ensemble match command to calculate the 2rmsd of multiple pdb files concatenated in a single pdb file. I would like to know if there is any way to save the values (as a matrix). Precisely how to output the ensemble match values.
Thanks, Bala
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