Awesome! Works like a charm. Many thanks. David. On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 6:26 PM Eric Pettersen <pett@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
Hi David, You’ll have to resort to Python for this. I’ve attached a (short) Python script that does the job. Simply opening it with the “open” command or File→Open will result in the other coordinate sets being pruned away. Let me know if you have any problems.
Eric Pettersen UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
On Apr 29, 2019, at 7:53 AM, David Sáez <davidsaez@udec.cl> wrote:
Dear Chimera experts:
I have saved multiple sessions of molecular dynamics trajectories. Each session is about 5MB.
Nevertheless, one of those files is huge, about 120MB. Checking the differences, I noticed that one of the files contained in the session, which normally is a one-frame .pdb, in the large case corresponds to a .nc file, a whole trajectory containing a large number of frames. I did not notice this before because when I opened the .py file, the MD movie box is not shown.
As I am only interested in the currently displayed frame of this .nc file, is there a way to delete the additional frames? Some command line trick that would allow me to get rid of the uninteresting frames, and decrease the file size, without having to re-make the whole session again?
My most immediate concern is that the file size is too large to be uploaded to a journal online platform.
Any help is appreciated,
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