There's a comment in
# Get the chains from each model. If they do not have the
# same number of chains, we give up. Otherwise, we assume
# that the chains should be matched in the same order
It uses molecule.sequences() to get the chains. Eric, does sequences() return the chains in input order, or is it random (eg hash order)?
On 2/22/2010 10:26 AM, Thomas Goddard wrote:
Bobby Laird showed me a homo-tetramer with chains A, B, C, D that when
morphed between two states with the Chimera morph conformations tool
swapped two of the monomers. In other words the 4 chains from one state
weren't correctly paired with the 4 chains from the other state so two
monomers exchanged positions during the morph. The tetramers were built
from dimers 1pfk and 2pfk by using the symmetry of the unit cell with
other software (coot?).
How does morph conformations decide which chains to pair?
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