Hi. (Sorry about my english, it's not my language)

Dear users: 

I'm working on my thesis, and I use Chimera ucsf for everything, and suddenly, one day, it stops showing the atomspec balloons, (when the cursor is paused over an object (atom, bond, surface, etc.), whether to show the corresponding label information in a balloon in the graphics window, and PDB chain information, if available, in the status line.)  

OK, That's what's no happening anymore, and I need it, so... Can you help  me please with this issue? 

I already read the docs and I did the modifications at preferences menu, and modify: 
Label font (Sans Serif - Normal - 16
Labels on top (true
Show atomspec balloon (true
Atomspec display style (simple

Please, help me with this.

Thanks. I will appreciate it.